Welcome to the Kindness Crew

Congratulations and welcome to Connecticut OES newest Grand Family, the Kindness Crew. Watch for website updates over the next few days. …

Worthy Grand Matron: Caroline V. Maselli
Worthy Grand Patron: Wayne S Rettburg
Associate Grand Matron: Wendy L Batterton
Associate Grand Patron: William H Zaleha II
Grand Secretary: Lynn S Wakefield, PGM
Grand Treasurer: Craig MacIntyre, PGP
Grand Conductress: Suzanne L Dana
Associate Grand Conductress: Judith T Behler
Grand Chaplain: Donna M Larson
Grand Marshal: Jessica Lee Dey
Grand Organist: Barbara F Lott, PGM
Grand Adah: Kayla J Rettburg
Grand Ruth: Berri L Wayand
Grand Esther: Susan E Everest
Grand Martha: Eleanor A Carbonaro
Grand Electa: Joanne K Devoe
Grand Warder: Barbara Jean Mangano
Grand Sentinel: Richard A Kassay

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