Charity begins at home. We need to build up our coffers to continue our good works and provide necessary administration. Consider donating to the Grand hapter General Fund, Robert Morris Relief Fund or check out The Hoku Makeke (Star Market) that supports our scholarship programs and other activities,
Service Dogs – Fidelco
Eastern Star has decided to focus on Service Dogs as their primary charity, and this year that focus falls on our Fidelco heroes.
Tabs for Tots (Shriner’s Hospitals)
Save the tabs!! All those little tabs on soda cans are pure aluminum, and they add up. Last year they added up to over 500 pounds, all donated to the Shriner’s Hospital for Kids. Contact us if want to help donate to this worthy and needed cause. (This year’s coordinator for Tabs is our Grand Marshal, Jessica Dey)
Toys for St Mary’s Hospital
We collect toys and stuffed animals all year long to donate to children in the hospital.
We support two types of Scholarships each year:
Youth scholarships for all students, and
ESTARL scholarships for those entering religious studies.
Online Donations
Contribute to our charities on line,
Use this link for no-fee contributions, or use the QR Code to the right