Mystic #20 Meeting Location
Please Note that Mystic Chapter is no longer in North Haven. Mystic 20 meets in Cheshire at 9 Country Club Road in Cheshire.
You can verify chapter locations on the website
Please Note that Mystic Chapter is no longer in North Haven. Mystic 20 meets in Cheshire at 9 Country Club Road in Cheshire.
You can verify chapter locations on the website
🔮 11..3, Frederica is having a fundraiser on November 13 at 2 pm at the lodge in Plainville. We will be painting gnomes. The cost is $25 per person and all materials will be provided. Bring your own beverages. The limit is 25 people, RSVP to Lisa Butteri by November 1, either at or 860-877-5228.
Turkey Fixin’s Bingo with a Turkey Dinner!! Friday, November 18. Social Hour: 5 pm. Turkey Buffet Dinner: 6 pm. Turkey Fixin’s BINGO with a break for dessert. Cost: $25 per person. Contact Judy Riley at 860-745-0277 or by November 14. Make all checks to Temple Chapter 53. Mail to Judy Riley, 9 Katherine Rd., Enfield,…
The event in Simsbury has been cancelled for this evening, 7/21, due to the threat of thunderstorms and lightning. More details coming for refunds or later shows …
Mystic’s Official Visitation is rescheduled to November 8th at 7:30pm
We’re delighted to share that the 2024 Youth Scholarship form is now online.
THIS TRIP IS FULL BUT HAS A WAIT LIST. December 7 Enjoy Christmas in New York at The Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall and after the show, you will travel to Times Square and the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company for lunch. The whole trip, going and coming, will be filled with the joy of the Christmas spirit! The…