Tribute to Marilyn Mattoon

Where does one begin….

Sister Marilyn C. Mattoon was my first Worthy Grand Matron. We met when we formed our Association, the Arpeggios. Our Association was well known throughout the state. We were the ones selling jewelry in the hallway outside of the Grand Chapter room. The proceeds from our sales were used for many Grand Chapter needs that the budget wouldn’t allow.

We took on the EMT kit, parts of the sound system, a paper folder, then a fax machine for the Grand Chapter office. Slowly we started making sure the Grand Secretary’s needs were being taken care of, within our means.

Sister Marilyn has kept our group on the front lines. Through her support, we have been able to do the good things we do.

Sister Karen Dayton, one of our Arpeggios, we were happy Sister Marilyn picked you as her Office Assistant. You both worked well together for the good of the Grand Chapter.

Sister Marilyn, thank you for being there whenever we needed you. You are truly a source of wisdom and strength. Your guidance has helped us serve our chapters in harmony. If it were not for your concern for our Order, your continued support of our projects, and your personal concern for each of us individually, we would not have this tie that binds.

Our love and appreciation go out to you for your 23 years of service. Thank you again for all you did for our Order.


A.J. Kayser, PM
President of the Secretary/Treasurer’s Association
President of the Arpeggios Association

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